The trianglelab has always been concerned about product quality.We are developing products and working hard to improve the quality.We will not abandon our reputation because of many cheap products on the market.It is believed that only high quality products can ensure the quality of your work and bring safety to your work.
Some of our products may be more expensive than others,but please believe in our quality and believe that you will not regret when you receive the goods.
About logistics description
Because the package contains strong magnets, ordinary logistics cannot be transported. So no matter which kind of logistics you choose. We will modify the logistics you choose. The package will be transported by air transportation of special dangerous goods, or other logistics. We will ensure that your package arrives as soon as possible. Thanks for your trust.
DDE-Fusion Upgrade Kit
High Quality
Nylon SLS Printed
Some documents on DDE-F
DDE -Fusion supports a wide range of sensors
BL-Touch(3D Touch)
M8 Proximity Sensor(P.I.N.D.A)
M12 Proximity Sensor(EZABL from TH3D)
M18 Proximity Sensor(EZABL from TH3D)
MOONS', founded in 1994, is a global Top 3 stepper motor manufacturer with the yearly shippment of more than 10 million hybrid stepper motors. Highly recognized for High Performance and Quality Products, MOONS' offers a vast array of motion control & smart LED control products or solutions. Combining the cutting-edge technologies developed by the leading motion control brands of AMP, Lin Engineering and Technosoft, MOONS' has comprehensive capabilities to continously provide all-purpose innovative solutions to the most demanding applications for thousands of customers around the world.
Nylon SLS Printed
Ender-3 CR-10
Ender-3 v2; CR-10 (Mini);
Ender-3 Pro; CR-10S;
Ender-5; CR-10 S4;
Ender-5 Pro; CR-10 S5.
*The connection line requires a little hands-on ability.
Two types of fan are not included in this package!!!
If you want to buy 4010 Fan Please click here.
If you want to buy 4010 Blower fan Please click here.
What's in the box
Set1:DDE-Fusion Upgrade Kit-Standard KIT
Set2:DDE-Fusion Upgrade Kit + Bi-Metal Heatbreak(CR10 ENDER3)
*Ender3 CR10 Titanium Alloy Bi-Metal Heatbreak
*For upgrade Original CR10 Hotend
Set4:DDE-Fusion Upgrade Kit + SWISS CR10 HOTEND
*Does not include heater and thermistor.
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